Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Merits Of Teacher Performance Pay - 3187 Words

THE MERITS OF TEACHER PERFORMANCE PAY IN KENYA Introduction This paper discusses the merits of performance pay for teachers in Kenya. I argued here that remuneration reforms for civil service teachers will achieve production efficiency. This paper has three main sections. Section 1 gives a brief description of the scheme of service for teachers in Kenya. Section 2 highlights the economic case in favour of teacher salaries and identifies the government failures in ensuring teacher effectiveness. Section 3 offers a criticism of teacher performance pay as a reform strategy in determining teacher efficiency in Kenyan public schools. This section further delves into the issues that affect effective teacher performance pay systems and reflect†¦show more content†¦The salary system is in ascending order in the scale of eleven job groups. The highest paid teacher, chief principal (job group R) is at grade 11.The lowest paid teacher, a P2 (job group F) is at grade 1. In addition to the basic salary, teachers are paid allowances with allocations relative to the job group standing, this include; house allowance, commuter allowance, medical allowance, responsibility allowances. Teachers are entitled to an automatic annual salary increase of about 4% for every year of service (Teachers Service Commission, 2012 p 1-24). Duflo et al (2012), elaborates on teacher recruitment and salaries in Kenya; illustrates the central role played by the Teachers Service Commission in teacher m anagement and trade –union representation is highlighted to show how the wage system works (Duflo et al, 2012). Michael and Mathew (2007) underscore that salary schemes for teachers are almost a worldwide characteristic of public schools. They rely on data from national surveys that indicate that 100% of teachers in public schools are paid using a pay set salary system (Michael and Mathew, 2007). Glazerman et al, (2011) argue that the single salary system was created to address equity issues and has spread over the globe, where teachers regularly get paid based on qualification and experience as opposed to the measure of teacher effectiveness and their students results. (Glazerman et al, 2011;

Friday, December 20, 2019

Annotated Bibliography On Linear Data Structure - 1769 Words

An introduction to linked list: a Review Abstract This paper describes about linear data structure i.e. linked list. Linked list is dynamic in nature means there is no need to know size of data in advance. It is linear collection of data elements which may or may not be stored at consecutive memory location. In linked list pointers are used for providing the linear order and each node is divided into parts for storing data and link part. This paper provides only overview that how linked list was created and what are its advantages over another data structure. It also defines how data is stored in linked list. What type of linked list can be? What basic operations can be performed on singly linked list? .And also tried to define applications of data structure. Introduction Linked list was developed by Cliff Shaw, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon at RAND Corporation in year of 1955-1956. It was firstly used in information processing language for artificial intelligence. There are many disadvantages of array as compare to linked list. First is array is a static data structure and size have to define before use for example: int marks [10] here size of array have fixed of 10 elements. Second array stores only similar type of elements in integer value according to upper example it will store only integer value and third one is in array insertion and deletion operation are very difficult for performing that operations huge amount of data have to move upward and downwardShow MoreRelatedAll the Mathematics You Missed but Need to Know for Graduate School17996 Words   |  72 Pagesand a few key results of the most important undergraduate topics in mathematics, emphasizing the intuitions behind the subject. The topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, differential geometry, real analysis, point-set topology, differential equations, probability theory, complex analysis, abstract algebra, and more. 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For the pests, on which no monograph exists, an annotated list is given of 182 species and five are selected for fuller treatment. In the last chapter the author returns to his special field and gives a concise but adequate summary of the aims, methods and results of banana b reeding from its inception inRead MoreNew Product Development10504 Words   |  43 PagesPrada, Salvatore Ferragamo and Versace. A strong brand portfolio, facilitates customer recall, and enhances Luxottica s market penetration opportunities. Vertically integrated business operations The group has a vertically integrated business structure. In terms of manufacturing, the group has vertically integrated all the phases of the production process to attain a level of efficiency in line with the quality of products and services it intends to offer. It has the direct control of the entireRead MoreGung Ho Movie Analysis9681 Words   |  39 Pagesculture ............................................................................................... 20   Conclusion.............................................................................................................................. 21   Bibliography:.......................................................................................................................... 23   Appendix ...........................................................................................................Read MoreQuality Improvement328284 Words   |  1314 PagesIV that present more advanced SPC methods. Included are the c umulative sum and exponentially weighted moving average control charts (Chapter 9), several important univariate control charts such as procedures for short production runs, autocorrelated data, and multiple stream processes (Chapter 10), multivariate process monitoring and control (Chapter 11), and feedback adjustment techniques (Chapter 12). Some of this material is at a higher level than Part III, but much of it is accessible by advancedRead MoreDeveloping Effective Research Proposals49428 Words   |  198 PagesPublications Ltd 6 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4PU SAGE Publications Inc 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd 32, M-Block Market Greater Kailash-I New Delhi 110 048 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0 7619 6355 3 ISBN 0 7619 6356 1 (pbk) Library of Congress catalog record available Typeset by Type Study, Scarborough, North Yorkshire Printed in Great Britain by The CromwellRead MoreOperational Management36687 Words   |  147 PagesStrategy and Capacity Planning Location Strategies Human Resources, Job Design and Organisational Effectiveness Supply Chain Management Inventory Management and JIT Systems Aggregate Scheduling Materials Resources Planning (MRPII) Project Management Bibliography Title of Section Page 3-6 7 - 24 25 - 36 37 - 54 55 - 72 73 - 84 85 - 102 103 - 116 117 - 138 139 - 150 151 - 166 167 - 176 177 - 192 193 - 206 207 - 208 MANCOSA - MBA Year 1 1 Operations Management MANCOSA - MBA Year 1 2 OperationsRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 PagesDepartment, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Typeset by SPI Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Antony Rowe Ltd., Chippenham, Wiltshire ISBN 0–19–928335–4 978–0–19–928335–4 ISBN 0–19–928336–2 (PbkRead MoreThe Essentials of Project Management65719 Words   |  263 PagesEngland Gower Publishing Company 131 Main Street Burlington VT 05401-5600 USA Dennis Lock has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Lock, Dennis 1929The essentials of project management. -2nd ed. 1. Industrial project management I. Title 658.4 04 ISBN 0 566 08224 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Lock, Dennis. The essentials of project management / Dennis Lock

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Modernist Art In Europe Essay Example For Students

Modernist Art In Europe Essay Herbert Herberts thesis of his essay is to investigate the arrival of the machine and modern art and its complexities. During WWI, modernist painting and sculpture paid major attention to machinery, science and industry. Modern art during that time has become a central factor in our culture due to its dominance in public art, museums, media and literature. Herbert brings in background information and stated the avant-garde of Pisarro, van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, etc. The industrial revolution had a stronger grip on society during the 19th century, and during this time, modern art was associated with primitive nature. During the rise of industrial art their was a rise of landscapes and paintings of rural everyday life. Also, the new technique and style which became the handcraft to modern art was so avant-garde from the academic art. Modern art was involved with cubism, futurism and vorticism. He explains that all of these arts consisted of the importance of handcraft, creativity, individuality, and original expression. Herbert keeps bringing in the fact the machine was the leading sign of modernity. There was no more of a gap between handwork and the machine. Also, that the machine became so important in modern art because it was now a part of daily urban life, due to subways, telephones, automobiles, sewing machines, bicycles, televisions, cinema, and more advanced photographic and advertising developments. Herbert states that although the machine became a large factor in art that it was not incorporated in the work of all modernists, such as Picasso and Braque. The author then describes the modern art in epic cubism, and how it focused on geometric architecture and structures of mechanical parts with organic rhythm of daily life. And how Italian futurism dealt with modern city life, but with more immediacy, more implied movement. It was similar to cubist but with more calculations. The cubo-futurists in Russia combined machinery with modernity but did not require the latest industrial form. The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the adoption of the abstract language. Artists were now considered constructor-inventor because they gave engineering a new creative form. But in France there was no equivalence to Bauhaus or the Constructivists schooling. The new artistic energies came from the vanguard. Its government did not want radical change. There was the vanguard embrace of modern industry with aesthetic clarity which is related to French culture. Herbert concludes that in modern art there was a very close relationship between art and industry which considering history was avant-garde for its time. I felt that this essay was very clear and to the point. I found it easy to read and somewhat enjoyable. Although I wasnt too sure of Herberts main thesis I found his essay interesting.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Applying Ecological Principles for Koala

Question: Disucss about theApplying Ecological Principles for Koala. Answer: Introduction Ecology has been defined as the branch of science that deals with the biotic and abiotic environment surrounding an organism. It takes into accounts the different types of relationships prevailing between an organism and their immediate surrounding and the environment. The study of ecology emphasizes on the significance of such relationships on sustainability of organism. Various ecological principles are set for maintain an optimum natural environment and ensure the safety of endangered species of Australia. Our current report focuses on a particular animal of Australia, the Koala, which is considered to be one of the threatened species in the country. The report elaborates the ecology of the concerned animal, the relevant ecological issues concerning the species and tries to manifest how ecological principles can be applied in order to create a sustainable environment for conservation of our chosen animal species. Taxonomy and Classification of Koala The scientific name of the animal is Phascolarctoscinereus. Following is the detailed taxonomic classification of the animal: Kingdom: Animalia; Phylum: Chordata; Sub-phylum: Vertebrata; Class: Mammalia; Sub-class: Marsupialia; Order: Diprotodontia; Sub-order: Vombatiformes; Family: Phascolarctidae; Genus: Phascolarctos; Species: Cinereus(, 2016). It is classified as Animalia because of its capability of locomotion and its multicellular and heterotrophic characteristics. Presence of Spinal cord classifies it as Chordate and Vertebrate. Koalas produce milk to feed their young ones, hence they are Mammals. Presence of pouches to carry their young ones qualifies them as Marsupials. The arrangement of their teeth on the jaw and fusion of the second and third digits in its back paw puts it in the order Diprotodontia. Koala is the only still existing member of its family Phascolarctidae. Several characteristics like type and number of teeth and digits are considered to classify it into this family. Considering the features of its urogenital tract, spermatozoa, karyotype and serology it is stated to belong to the genus Phascolarctos.Ecology of Koala Koalas are one of the few animal species of Australia that solely depend on the foliage of Eucalyptus for the source of energy and nutrient. However, specific species of eucalyptus are preferred by the animal and accordingly their population is distributed with their preferred tree species.In general Koalas have a sedentary lifestyle and are solitary animals. Most of them live in overlapping home ranges, which aid them in the process of mating. Both males and females start mating at an age of around two to three years and generally give birth each year. Over-browsing of trees has been a sustainability issue in many areas, which has led to undertaking of several actions like habitat protection, fertility suppression and translocation (Mc Lean 2003). Studies have shown that the tree species koalas use for resting are not necessarily the same species they use for feeding purposes and hence studying their feeding patterns are somewhat difficult (Marsh et al 2014).It has been reported that Koala population increased dramatically in the late 1800s and suffered a considerable decline in the late 1900s due to ecological factors. Currently Koalas are found in Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia (Melzer et al 2000). In most of the regions the animal has been declared to be Vulnerable by the Australian Government. Relevant Ecological Issues Koalas were declared to be a threatened species in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) by the Australian Government. Further the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared Koala to be a Potentially Vulnerable species(, 2016). Several ecological factors have been identified that have a direct impact on the survival of the animal. Loss of habitat is the most significant of all the issues in this regard. Expansion of human settlement and demands of modern life like roads, factories, agriculture and housing has caused much loss of the wildlife habitats where the animals were already found. Due to increased human population, subsequent increase in cars and dogs has turned to be a serious threat to the animal species. Around 4000 koala deaths have been reported to be caused by cars and domestic dogs each year (Cork et al 2000). It has been reported that Koalas suffer from various diseases such as conjunctiviti s, pneumonia, urinary tract infection and reproductive tract infection that might lead to infertility. Chlamydia is most prevalent pathogen found to be affecting the species (Waugh et al 2016). Other threats faced by koalas are bushfires and danger from other wild animals. Ecological Principles Ecology deals with the interactions and interrelationships at various levels ranging from populations and communities to ecosystems and biospheres. Populations comprise interbreeding groups of animals belonging to the same species and inhabiting in the same habitat. When populations of different species interact, communities are formed. Ecosystems are the abiotic and biotic components of a predefined area that influences all the populations and communities of that region. Biosphere includes all the biological and physical processes that directly or indirectly influence life on Earth. Several ecological principles play an important role in maintaining a harmony between all the components of an ecosystem. Ecological interdependence is a key factor that determines the survival of a species. Despite of dynamic changes in the ecological systems each and every species residing in a particular area are dependent on other animals and plants. This dependence arises mainly from the food chain and for obtaining energy and nutrients. Each component of an ecosystem aims at reaching goals that are beneficial for the whole and any organism that acts against this notion is considered as a disturbing factor for the overall ecological harmony. Human beings play a huge role in altering ecosystems by changing the physical environment of the same and disturbing the residing organism of the particular region. This proves to be detrimental to the human species itself on the long run. It has been already discussed that changes in the habitat is the most concerning ecological issue for koalas, where human play a significant part(Little et al 2007).Loss of habitat can cause longstanding impacts on the intera ction between the biotic components of an ecosystem. Human intervention must be stopped to conserve the Koala habitats. This can be done by forming certain legislations and laws on part of the government and thus restricting human impact on concerned regions. Koalas solely thrive on eucalyptus plants that too on certain species of the plants are preferred by the animal. Loss of habitat may lead to loss of certain species of the plant essential for survival of Koalas. Disruption of the food chain due to such losses is often life threatening for animals species. Even natural disturbances affect the population and species of an ecosystem. Natural disturbances can influence the shape size and distribution of ecosystems and subsequently thre animal species residing there. The intensity and frequency of forest fires have shapes ecosystems in several regions of the earth. Composition and structure of habitats need to be studied at a landscape level to get an insight about the impacts of natural disturbances. For terrestrial ecosystems the species and community composition and the patch size distribution are of utmost relevance. Bushfire have caused much harm to Koalas consistently. Certain measures are necessary to prevent such fires and deaths of the vulnerable species. Chlamydial diseases in Koalas continue to be one of the most common diseases occurring in the animal (Timms 2005). The causes of preventable disease caused by Chlamydial infection needs to be identified and preventable measures should be taken to avoid further deaths due to such causes. Conclusion Koalas of Australia are already considered a vulnerable species. Several ecological factors that influence the habitat and consequently their survival of the species have been addressed. Loss of habitat being the most determining factor for the decline in the animal population in recent years needs immediate attention. The indispensible step that needs to be taken is preventing and/or restricting impact of humans on the habitat of the animal. Certain natural disturbances like diseases and bushfires needs to be studied to figure out preventive measures. The role of the government is crucial in this regard. Laws and guidelines must be set considering the significance of the alarming situation. After formulation of such laws the government must ensure effective implementation of the same in order to reach the desired goals. References (2016).Classification. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Cork, S.J., Clark, T.W. and Mazur, N., 2000. Introduction: an interdisciplinary effort for koala conservation.Conservation Biology,14(3), pp.606-609. (2016).Phascolarctoscinereus (Koala). [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Little, G., Lau, T.A., Cypher, A., Lin, J., Haber, E.M. and Kandogan, E., 2007, April. Koala: capture, share, automate, personalize business processes on the web. InProceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems(pp. 943-946). ACM. Marsh, K.J., Moore, B.D., Wallis, I.R. and Foley, W.J., 2014. Continuous monitoring of feeding by koalas highlights diurnal differences in tree preferences.Wildlife Research,40(8), pp.639-646. Mc Lean, N., 2003.Ecology and management of overabundant koala (Phascolarctoscinereus) populations(Doctoral dissertation, The University of Melbourne). Melzer, A., Carrick, F., Menkhorst, P., Lunney, D. and John, B.S., 2000.Overview, critical assessment, and conservation implications of koala distribution and abundance.Conservation Biology,14(3), pp.619-628. (2016).The Koala - Endangered or Not? | Australian Koala Foundation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Timms, P., 2005. Chlamydial infection and disease in the koala.Microbiology Australia,26(2), pp.65-68. Waugh, C., Hanger, J., Timms, P. and Polkinghorne, A., 2016. Koala translocations and Chlamydia: Managing risk in the effort to conserve native species.Biological Conservation,197, pp.247-253.